Sunday, June 26, 2011

Annie, the dark child

Hey guys,

Today, I talk about Annie. I consider Annie as a high attack power carry. I say so because of her 2 high AP damage AOE skills and her ability to farm as a carry. All her skills scale with AP and by level 9-10 she can farms wave easily. she can bursts down squishy or other carry with ease.


9x greater mark of insight
9x greater seal of clarity
9x greater glyph of focus
3x greater quintessence of insight

9-0-21 with improved ghost and flash.
 take a no brainer. Improved spell damage, mana regen and cooldown reduction.

summoner spells:

ghost flash
      As a carry, Annie need most mobility to kill and survive. 


start: doran's ring
I never started with anything else, never had a bad game... Only vs Orianna I had to back 2-3 times. but i dont think boots would have been more useful.

Core: Sorcerer's shoes, Rabadon's deathcap, Rod of Ages.

Final:  Sorcerer's shoes, Rabadon deathcap, Rod of Ages, Lich bane, Abyssal scepter.
note: last items is open for magic resist or defense or more magic pen.

Optional: Zhonya's hourglass, rylai's crystal scepter, void staff, deathfire grasp, banshee's veil.


q w q w e r q q q w r w w e e r e e

Max incinerate or disintegrate first. Max ult, max the other, max shield last.


1. Early game and farming
2. Mid game and kills
3. Late game carry

I'll keep early game real simple, stay mid farm, nuke, kill. That's it. Last hit get back often to buy. get doran's ring, boots, catalyst. go back and farm. if you can get some one to gank for you its always better.

2.Mid game is time for team fight, at this point you have either core item as rabadon's deathcap or rod of ages. Always have a stunt ready, start with ultimate incinerate, disintegrate, etc... keep nuking, with so low cooldown its easy. always stay at the back to not get shot easily. if smart people come to get you, you still have flash and ghost. your primary job is to stay alive and of course to kill people.

3. Late game is the best part, its where you enjoy most of your damage and have fun in teamfight, if your team is intelligent, they will search for walls, small areas or anything to stuck the other team, for that only reason your almost sure to win the fight.


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