Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to chose wisely your champion

Hey guys,

I started to play with 500+ win lvl 30 with no rank thought and I realized how bad some people are at pre game stuff. Even they played over a thousand games, they don't understand easy principles. Never have 2 jungles, never have more than 2 type of carry, don't have 2 roamer. Greedy people, those think that they can make the game alone and think they're better than every one, those one, are never trying to compose a great team. They always want to carry and get all the kills. If you recognize yourself in what I say, I suggest you to read more and learn how to play the "TEAM GAME". Yup! New stuff for every one, League of legend, even if it's categorized as a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena), it's a hard team play game. Of course, there's many exceptions were opponent team make huge mistake that cost them the game (I.e. losing a baron fight at wrong moment), but pro game don't do that kind of mistake. If you want to be a pro, act like a pro !!I can't quote directly from dictionnary or wikipedia, so I'll make a short definition myself.

A team comprises a group of people for a common purpose.  Teams are especially appropriate to realize tasks that are high in complexity and have many subtasks. Teams usually have members with complementary skills and generate synergy to maximize every member's potential and to reduce each and every weakness.

Let's examine that definition. A group of people for a common purpose: The job of your team is to DESTROY THE NEXUS. Forget about the stupid idea of who has more kills win. This is noob stuff. Also, don't have as goal to make your opponent team to surrender. Just aim to win clear and simple. Match pusher, gankers, support and carries together and aim for the victory. Kills will come along the way to who deserve it. If you try to save skills to get kills, well, may be your team will just not get them at all. You must do everything to win the game, no matter you want or not to do it, buy wards if you have to, support if you have to, later will be your turn to carry.

Teams are especially appropriate to realize tasks that are high in complexity and many subtasks: Most complex part of the definition. You have some tasks assigned to your champion you pick. You CAN'T do anything you want once the game is started. If you choose Smite, well, you have both the task to jungle or partially jungle and to gank. Since your half the time "mia" for the other team, you have best position to gank. You "can't" lane. If you got a carry, you MUST farm and kill people late fight. If you have choose a support, you must go a dual lane with a hard dps (hard dps: a dps champ that can't barely heal himself or have defensive skills or items, so his only purpose is to dps).

Teams usually have members with complementary skills and generate synergy: Yea thats when choosing right champs come into play. I'm not going to expend on how a team should be made, but simply put, 1 ranged ad carry, 1 ranged ap carry, 1 support, 1 bruiser (well, we could discuss this job), 1 melee ap/ad, 1 tank. lets have a few examples and explanations of how synergy works.

Example 1: ranged carry: Caitlyn, Ranged ap: Veigar, bruiser: Garen, Support: Karma, tank: amumu.

Caitlyn solo top 1v1 or 1v2. She has many escape abilities and fighting so she's fine to 1v2 with a few ganks. Veigar solo middle because he needs the more farm. Karma and Garen hold bottom tower no matter what. If they can get a kill its fine. Amumu farms jungle and gank. Now that all your champions are correctly placed, they must work together now. In team fight you get: traps, net, aoe stun x2, heal, silence, aoe attack x3. What do you think might happen in stuck team fight? like in a brush or in jungle? or if they dive you? you rape them with all your cc. Having a healer enables you to push a lot easier. So, we can say that synergy is good.

Example 2: ranged carry: Twisted Faith, range carry.2: Miss Fortune. Melee: Olaf, melee: shaco, tank: shen.

You guys are lucky, some one picked a tank. I might say, in Solo 5v5, it doesn't happen often. Top is shen and Twisted Faith because he's so squishy. MF solo mid, olaf and shaco have bottom. What happen? Top is over pushing, tf farms, but he gets ganked. Bottom is getting pushed, shaco can't gank because they lose tower, if he leaves, eithe olaf or the tower die. Mf dies because she doesn't have ganks. What do you have?  taunt, aoe damage, global,. Poor team fight you get. Poor laning, poor teamifights.

You see what happens. Those are only 2 example, I could make 100 better and 100 worst. In conclusion, play with your team, but remember, the game is started before it does really start. Pick wise your champions. Check up for my guides if you need help to master a new champion in League of Legend.

Xin Zhao, the Seneshcal of Demacia

Hey guys, Today I'm going to speak about the champion Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao is a great carry, fight initiator and ganker. He has many abilities to gank and kill, that's why he's so great assassin. As always you can view the video guide on xin zhao with music, but if you'd prefer have the full information, you're better to read it here. Picture is worth 1k words. but sometimes, pictures can't tell what words mean.

Introduction to the build:

9x Greater mark of Desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater seal of Resilience (+12.7 armor)
9x Greater glyph of Warding (+13.7 magic resist)
3x Greater Quitessence of Desolation (+10 armor penetration)

Masteries: 8-22-0
3crit 1ap
4attack speed

3magic resit 3 armor
1nimbleness 3damagereduce
1damage reduce

I want to build Xin more like a tank first. Since he cans jump in and uses his ultimate for max damage, he's a good initiator. Most of the time, he's going to eats all the stuns and disables and AOE damage, therefore the need for tank stuff.

Summoner Spells: Ignite & Teleport

Every one can use what ever spells they want, they're all good. It all depends on what use you want to make of. I suggest ignite for kills since most the time you can carry with Xin, I suggest teleport for tower pushing, Xin has a lot of attack speed and can kill a tower rapidly. Ghost or flash are also really good.

start: dagger + health potion
early: berseker's greaves + dagger + x health potions
Core: Berseker's greaves, The black Cleaver
Usefull items: Randiun's Omen, Stark's fervor, guardian angel, banshee's veil, phantom dancer, tiamat, infinity edge.

Skills: e q w e q r q q e q r e e w w r w w

I'm still confused on what's the best, maxing audacious charge or three talon strike. Three talon strike is more damage to a single target, but audacious charge is better for a multi target. It depends on if you need to gank or to farm. Always max your ultimate and keep battle cry at 1 as long as possible because the more bigger boost is at lvl 1.

1. Early game and first blood
2. Mid game and farm
3. Late game, initiate and carry

1. Early game and first blood.

If you aim to get first blood with Xin zhao, you need to pick audacious charge first. Ambush in the brush and when some one get close, hit him once then charge, use ignite, attack him and hope you have a great teammate to kill him. It shouldn't be that hard with armor penetration marks. Note: don't waste all your mana and skills to get firs tblood if you don't have exactly what's required to make it (armor penetration is obviously required). Xin Zhao can solo with ease since he has life regen every 3 hit, some times it is worth the risk to last hit even if your enemy could harras you. Of course, it is better to last hit when your opponent's spells are on cool down. If your solo, make sure to always stop creeps right before your tower. This way, you can creeps in peace and you're still protected. If its dual lane, you're probably going to push it, unless they have 2 ranged. On 2 ranged champions, stand right before tower and last hit as much as you can, on melee, try to set up kills before you start pushing waves. I.e.: Get back, get your stuff and set up for a gank. Then go and last hit.

2. Mid game and Farm.

I suggest you to use teleport, it's the most useful for mid game, when taking tower is important and effective. You might want to use your ultimate to initiate fight and kill 1 or 2. Your team should push at that point, you should be teleporting top or bottom to get a tower if you can, otherwise, just run and farm. Keep teleport for when you need to push. If people are still in their lane, mid game it's time for you to gank or to farm. If you're the carry, farm. If you're the initiator/gank, gank and aim for teamfights. Get defensive items like randuin's omen and Force of nature and force them to teamfight baron. Even better case, if they are pushing you I.e. top, you should teleport bottom and finish 1 tower. If your team can't handle it, of course go and help them. Its easy, if you don't carry you need to fight them. Get ready and force them to dragon fight you or baron. If you carry, hold the line and farm it carefully. Also, as I show in my video, if you're sure that their team isn't walking together, you could go and check for an easy gank in their jungle.

3. Late game, Initiate and Carry.

Unless there is no others melee, late game you shouldn't be tanking really. You want to initiate fights with your ultimate, back off a bit, and re fight. If you can make it out, it's again time to go and push tower with teleport. At late game, Xin is very fast. A tower is about a matter of seconds. If you're lucky and can get people alone, don't hesitate to kill them, that's why wards exist. With a pink, you might want to 2 man baron. It's not a problem as Xin.  With teleport, you can also defend. If lane is pushed, go farm it, Xin can farm really quick. Make sure to have a few defensive items as well as some dps items depending on what your position in your team is.


Finally, Xin Zhao is an overall good fighter, he can Initiate, farm tank and/or carry a team. If you want to make a huge difference in your team, this is the kind of champion you want to play.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

League of legend Patch note v

Patch affects champions in league of legend

I thank what can make a difference from playing a great champion from a bad champion is like investing is stocks. Every one is doing the same thing. They buy high because every one has bought at that moment and they sell when it becomes low because they're scared. Same goes at LOL when people pick champions. They see HotshotGG or Chaox or any 2300+ Elo picking a champ and they want to play it, but they don't ask themselves why they do play those champions. They play champions after they get buffed or before they get debuffed. Let me explain, from this week, I saw a lot of broadcaster playing Alistar or Irelia. Those 2 we're buffed not so long ago. Now some of the great realized this and they want to play them, but this week they are reduced with the patch release. After regular people will do tomorrow? They will keep playing those champ they seen pro plays.I think it is important to always be knowledgeably of what changes happen to champions.

This patch:
Vayne: reduced (-)
Alistar : reduced (-)
Irelia : reduced (-)
rumble: small reduction

Annie: buffed (+)
Kog Maw: buffed (+)
Sivir : buffed (+)

Note: Right after a champion is released, he's overpower (op), It's the right time to buy it, usually, when it becomes free or the other week, he becomes weaker, you can buy or use it, but it's less the time. Even, he's still ban on ladder. Same goes for every new champion in league of legend. A guide about Xin'Zhao is on the way !!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Garen, Might of Demacia

Hey guys,

Today's league of legend champion's guide is about Garen, the Tanky DPS. Garen is a very powerful melee fighter, tank, chaser.


9x Greater mark of Desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater Seal of Resilience (+12.7 armor)
9x Greater glyph of Warding (+13.4 magic resist)
3x Greater quitessence of Desolation (+10 armor penetration)

critical strike
cooldown reduction

magic resist, armor
improve dodge, damage reduce
attack speed
reduce damage

Summoner Spells
For me, its always hard to make a choice depending on what will be the most useful to me and my team as spells. I suggest for most case picking flash and ignite. I secure many kills with those 2 spells which gives me great advantage early game. Ghost and exhaust are also great, but just not as good as flash and ignite.

Start: boots, 3 health potion (obviously what makes Garen so good is his mobility with judgment, don't waste it. Pick boots and potions.
early game: The brutalizer is more than a most number 1 is absolutely necessary if you went defensive mastery, after, boots of swiftness.
Mid game: Youmuu's ghostblade, Boots of swiftness.
note: It is really hard to say what you really need here. sunfire cap, G angel, stack's of fervor are all good items, but its up to you.
late game: Guardian angel, force of nature, bloodthirster, the black cleaver, phantom dancer or stacks of fervor are all choice you can go.

Here are some final build you can make.

Final vs attack damage: boots of swiftness guardian angel last whisper sunfire cap bloodthirster thornmail

final vs attack power: Mercury's treads youmuu's ghostblade force of nature guardian angel the black cleaver phantom dancer

Final regular: boots of swiftness youmuu's ghostblade sunfire cap bloodthirster guardian angel phantom dancer


It's not so easy to chose the right skill with Garen since he has many build. A few guideline you can chose from:
If your getting harass put 1 or 2 point in courage early on and try to fill them.
If your able to harass pick decisive strike. If not try to set up kills with flash ignite and judgment. Normal game, you can go lvl 1 decisive strike, lvl 2-3 judgment, lvl 4 courage, etc.

1. Early game and firstblood
2. mid game and gank
3. late game and tank, dps

1. Early game and firstblood

Garen can farm easily early game even more with defensive mastery. Use decisive strike to last hit and judgment when your opponents push too much. Get 1 skill in courage early on to have more defence. If your teammate have a slow(i.e.: exhaust), you can set up for an easy first blood. it could be from bush lvl 1 or direct at lvl 2. level 2 you use both decisive strike and judgment which make the kill a lot easier.
at level 1: you start ambushing in the bush. when an enemy come close you start judgment and ignite, if your opponent has boots, your teammate must slow while you judgment. By now, your opponent should be dead. judgment + ignite + nuke + slow + dps = dead squishy.
At level 2: It's easier, but it requires more action. if you can start close to the opponent its better... decisive strike + ignite + judgment + slow + nuke and/or dps.
Note: nuke always refer to your teammate damage skill.
Note2: if your opponent juke you when you spin, don't hesitate to flash on him and keep fighting.
I have no real idea when is the very best moment to go shop with Garen, it does depend either or not you got first blood. I suggest you to back if you have enough for brutalizer (1350) or boots of swiftness and sword (1060).

2. Middle game and gank

Once you have the brutalizer and boots of swiftness your're good to go. Either you keep your lane or you start ganking. You have a lot of regen every 7th second. I suggest you to farm 1 or 2 waves, back and heal. Wait for next wave, farm, push and wait again. It's safe and secure. If you want to gank, you should have flash ready. Rare will be the moment where you'll be able to reach the opponent without seeing him back off. Either your teammates stun, slow or disable it or you flash. If you can, its always better to use decisive strike first to get a good silence going. Once silence is over, you could ignite to reduce healing and regeneration, after, use judgment to follow him and ultimate it for kill.

3. Late game and tank, DPS

Ganren, in my opinion, is a very good late game. With only a few items, he can still be very useful to his team. he's not such a very good initiator, but he can tank a lot of damage and do some at the same time. If you can use judgment to hit a few people at the same time it's always the best. Decisive strike is your best asset in team fight, you have to silence the key players, those that can easily disable your team or make a lot of damage (i.e.: any ap carry). You must silence the one or those that need to cast something asap. One of the best idea i have is Xin Zhao. If you can silence him before he casts ultimate, fight will change to your favor rapidly. After you disabled it, try to keep focusing it this way he can't kill all your team, don't be shy to use your ultimate earlier, not only to kill. It should encourage your team to focus.


Garen, is a very good all round tank and dps. What ever the situation, you can use it. In almost any match up, I can pick Garen and be sure that he will be useful.

Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Pitlover Video Guide

Hey guys,

I'm too excited to show up my first video guide. I want to present my very first ever made league of legend champion video guide : Caitlyn, The Sheriff Of Pitlover. The video is about 5min long I cover runes, masteries, items, tips and fights with Caitlyn. Music is also coming with it. The video is not exhaustive of all what Caitlyn can do or the builds she can have. Its only 1 point of view at a time.


9x Greater mark of desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater seal of replenishement (+3.7 mana /5)
9x Greater glyph of warding (+13.4 magic resist)
3x Greater Quintessence of desolation ( + 10 armor penetration)

critical stike
cooldown reduction attack speed
armor penetration
attack damage
critical damage

ghost healt, mana regen
neutral buff

Summoner spells:

Usually picking masteries is a no-brainer. you go offensive when you carry, you go utility when you want to be useful and defensive when you want to tank obviously. But, picking spells may be a little harder. You have a few choices depending on exactly what you want to do. All the spells you pick are good if they do exactly what you them to do. I mean that if you pick ghost and exhaust. You must know exactly what you need them for. I.e.: I pick heal and ghost. I use heal because i don't to buy potion and items to support my health, I'd prefer use my items to buy dps. So, I compensate for my needs. If I pick ghost its because i want to run faster to gank. This is more in depth strategy. Picking right spell with which team is very difficult. I simply suggest you to go flash for ease to escape and ignite to kill, ghost and exhaust are other livable choices.

Doran's blade : no brainer. life attack damage life steal.
early game: Berseker's greave 1x or 2x doran's blade.
Note: Depending if you got firstblood, or if you're getting harassed much, you can go for B.F. sword for more dps or for Philosopher's stone if you have some hard time.
Mid game: Berseker's greave doran's blade the bloodthirster
Late game: same with phantom dancer and the black cleaver or banshee's veil.
Final regular build: Berseker's greave The bloodthirster phantom dancer the black cleaver banshee's veil infinity edge.
Note: banshee's veil is always useful.
Final vs melee: mercury's treads the bloodthirster thornmail randuim's omen phantom dancer banshee's veil.
Final vs ap carry: mercury's treads force of nature phantom dancer banshee's veil wit's end bloodthirster
Final vs half half: Berseker's greave bloodthirster Guardian angel banshee's veil phantom dancer infinity edge
Final vs bunch of tank: berseker's greave the black cleaver youmuu's ghostblade last whisper warmog's armor phantom dancer.

The final idea is to always maximize damage output, lifesteal and armor pen combination whatever the situation. Just don't feed too much if you're loosing. the last 4 build are only if you start to feed and you need to correct your position. Final regular build is what Caitlyn need most of the time.


Picking skills is the easiest part with Caitlyn. lvl 1 pitlover, lvl 2 trap, lvl 3 net. Then you max out Pitlover and your ultimate then the trap, finally the net.

1. Early game and firstblood
2. Mid game and ganking effectively
3. late game and carry

1. Early game and firstblood

Well, you picked doran's blade as first item, Pitlover as first skill, now you're ready to go mid and prepare your firstblood. Yep! PLaying Caitlyn means that you prepare firstblood since the beginning for level 6. You have some mana regen from runes and masteries, with that, you can keep your oppenent low by using pitlover. You can both 7th hit your oppenent or pitlover him or farm and let him go. The main goal is to farm and harass without dying before level 6 otherwise you're screwed up. He might after go heal and your kill is dead. Keep him low, but don't scare him. When your 6, pitlover him and ult bam! that's for early game. I suggest you to view first part of the video for 7th hit tips.

2. Mid game and great ganks

Once you got firsblood, berseker's greave and B.F. sword. you're ready to go and gank. If your opponent mid isn't smart, he won't call mia/ss, you can leave when you want. But, if you leave and see laners get back, you will have to wait until mid is pushed (shoot 2 or 3 pitlover) to leave mid without being see. Go to a lane either be bot or top where you see opponent over extending themselves. Note: have a 7th hit ready before you leave your lane. How to gank: start to auto hit, when he's getting close to you, you can net him or trap him, pitlover when he's in straight line with you and ultimate him (take care of not having some one take the shoot for him). If you get the kill you can recall and shop, otherwise get back mid to farm. It's the same as early game, you last hit without dying and keep him low, when your ultimate is ready you kill him. During mid game you should have a few traps around you and not overextending yourself since you're probably the carry.

3. Late Game and carry

Depending on what you consider late game(25min to 40min), you should have berseker's greave, bloodthirster, phantom dancer, the black cleaver or banshee's veil at least, 100 creep score and more and a few kills. Your now ready to carry. You protect tower and push, you try to get a few kills going. Caitlyn like and dislike fighting in the jungle. It's really depending on her team. Alone she can jumps wall to secure kill or to escape. to make pitlover, traps and net more efficient you need a small area. where jungle is so great. I don't have much more explanation after that, focus all the ap, squishy that you need to kill first, then get some towers and GG.


With Caitlyn, you have mana regen, you shoot some pitlover, you keep your opponent low, you kill him at 6. She farms bloodthirster, ganks carry.