Hey guys,
I'm too excited to show up my first video guide. I want to present my very first ever made league of legend champion video guide : Caitlyn, The Sheriff Of Pitlover. The video is about 5min long I cover runes, masteries, items, tips and fights with Caitlyn. Music is also coming with it. The video is not exhaustive of all what Caitlyn can do or the builds she can have. Its only 1 point of view at a time.
9x Greater mark of desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater seal of replenishement (+3.7 mana /5)
9x Greater glyph of warding (+13.4 magic resist)
3x Greater Quintessence of desolation ( + 10 armor penetration)
critical stike
cooldown reduction attack speed
armor penetration
attack damage
critical damage
ghost healt, mana regen
neutral buff
Summoner spells:
Usually picking masteries is a no-brainer. you go offensive when you carry, you go utility when you want to be useful and defensive when you want to tank obviously. But, picking spells may be a little harder. You have a few choices depending on exactly what you want to do. All the spells you pick are good if they do exactly what you them to do. I mean that if you pick ghost and exhaust. You must know exactly what you need them for. I.e.: I pick heal and ghost. I use heal because i don't to buy potion and items to support my health, I'd prefer use my items to buy dps. So, I compensate for my needs. If I pick ghost its because i want to run faster to gank. This is more in depth strategy. Picking right spell with which team is very difficult. I simply suggest you to go flash for ease to escape and ignite to kill, ghost and exhaust are other livable choices.
Doran's blade : no brainer. life attack damage life steal.
early game: Berseker's greave 1x or 2x doran's blade.
Note: Depending if you got firstblood, or if you're getting harassed much, you can go for B.F. sword for more dps or for Philosopher's stone if you have some hard time.
Mid game: Berseker's greave doran's blade the bloodthirster
Late game: same with phantom dancer and the black cleaver or banshee's veil.
Final regular build: Berseker's greave The bloodthirster phantom dancer the black cleaver banshee's veil infinity edge.
Note: banshee's veil is always useful.
Final vs melee: mercury's treads the bloodthirster thornmail randuim's omen phantom dancer banshee's veil.
Final vs ap carry: mercury's treads force of nature phantom dancer banshee's veil wit's end bloodthirster
Final vs half half: Berseker's greave bloodthirster Guardian angel banshee's veil phantom dancer infinity edge
Final vs bunch of tank: berseker's greave the black cleaver youmuu's ghostblade last whisper warmog's armor phantom dancer.
The final idea is to always maximize damage output, lifesteal and armor pen combination whatever the situation. Just don't feed too much if you're loosing. the last 4 build are only if you start to feed and you need to correct your position. Final regular build is what Caitlyn need most of the time.
Picking skills is the easiest part with Caitlyn. lvl 1 pitlover, lvl 2 trap, lvl 3 net. Then you max out Pitlover and your ultimate then the trap, finally the net.
1. Early game and firstblood
2. Mid game and ganking effectively
3. late game and carry
1. Early game and firstblood
Well, you picked doran's blade as first item, Pitlover as first skill, now you're ready to go mid and prepare your firstblood. Yep! PLaying Caitlyn means that you prepare firstblood since the beginning for level 6. You have some mana regen from runes and masteries, with that, you can keep your oppenent low by using pitlover. You can both 7th hit your oppenent or pitlover him or farm and let him go. The main goal is to farm and harass without dying before level 6 otherwise you're screwed up. He might after go heal and your kill is dead. Keep him low, but don't scare him. When your 6, pitlover him and ult bam! that's for early game. I suggest you to view first part of the video for 7th hit tips.
2. Mid game and great ganks
Once you got firsblood, berseker's greave and B.F. sword. you're ready to go and gank. If your opponent mid isn't smart, he won't call mia/ss, you can leave when you want. But, if you leave and see laners get back, you will have to wait until mid is pushed (shoot 2 or 3 pitlover) to leave mid without being see. Go to a lane either be bot or top where you see opponent over extending themselves. Note: have a 7th hit ready before you leave your lane. How to gank: start to auto hit, when he's getting close to you, you can net him or trap him, pitlover when he's in straight line with you and ultimate him (take care of not having some one take the shoot for him). If you get the kill you can recall and shop, otherwise get back mid to farm. It's the same as early game, you last hit without dying and keep him low, when your ultimate is ready you kill him. During mid game you should have a few traps around you and not overextending yourself since you're probably the carry.
3. Late Game and carry
Depending on what you consider late game(25min to 40min), you should have berseker's greave, bloodthirster, phantom dancer, the black cleaver or banshee's veil at least, 100 creep score and more and a few kills. Your now ready to carry. You protect tower and push, you try to get a few kills going. Caitlyn like and dislike fighting in the jungle. It's really depending on her team. Alone she can jumps wall to secure kill or to escape. to make pitlover, traps and net more efficient you need a small area. where jungle is so great. I don't have much more explanation after that, focus all the ap, squishy that you need to kill first, then get some towers and GG.
With Caitlyn, you have mana regen, you shoot some pitlover, you keep your opponent low, you kill him at 6. She farms bloodthirster, ganks carry.
Friday, May 20, 2011
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