Hey guys, Today I'm going to speak about the champion Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao is a great carry, fight initiator and ganker. He has many abilities to gank and kill, that's why he's so great assassin. As always you can view the video guide on xin zhao with music, but if you'd prefer have the full information, you're better to read it here. Picture is worth 1k words. but sometimes, pictures can't tell what words mean.
Introduction to the build:
9x Greater mark of Desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater seal of Resilience (+12.7 armor)
9x Greater glyph of Warding (+13.7 magic resist)
3x Greater Quitessence of Desolation (+10 armor penetration)
Masteries: 8-22-0
3crit 1ap
4attack speed
3magic resit 3 armor
1nimbleness 3damagereduce
1damage reduce
I want to build Xin more like a tank first. Since he cans jump in and uses his ultimate for max damage, he's a good initiator. Most of the time, he's going to eats all the stuns and disables and AOE damage, therefore the need for tank stuff.
Summoner Spells: Ignite & Teleport
Every one can use what ever spells they want, they're all good. It all depends on what use you want to make of. I suggest ignite for kills since most the time you can carry with Xin, I suggest teleport for tower pushing, Xin has a lot of attack speed and can kill a tower rapidly. Ghost or flash are also really good.
start: dagger + health potion
early: berseker's greaves + dagger + x health potions
Core: Berseker's greaves, The black Cleaver
Usefull items: Randiun's Omen, Stark's fervor, guardian angel, banshee's veil, phantom dancer, tiamat, infinity edge.
Skills: e q w e q r q q e q r e e w w r w w
I'm still confused on what's the best, maxing audacious charge or three talon strike. Three talon strike is more damage to a single target, but audacious charge is better for a multi target. It depends on if you need to gank or to farm. Always max your ultimate and keep battle cry at 1 as long as possible because the more bigger boost is at lvl 1.
1. Early game and first blood
2. Mid game and farm
3. Late game, initiate and carry
1. Early game and first blood.
If you aim to get first blood with Xin zhao, you need to pick audacious charge first. Ambush in the brush and when some one get close, hit him once then charge, use ignite, attack him and hope you have a great teammate to kill him. It shouldn't be that hard with armor penetration marks. Note: don't waste all your mana and skills to get firs tblood if you don't have exactly what's required to make it (armor penetration is obviously required). Xin Zhao can solo with ease since he has life regen every 3 hit, some times it is worth the risk to last hit even if your enemy could harras you. Of course, it is better to last hit when your opponent's spells are on cool down. If your solo, make sure to always stop creeps right before your tower. This way, you can creeps in peace and you're still protected. If its dual lane, you're probably going to push it, unless they have 2 ranged. On 2 ranged champions, stand right before tower and last hit as much as you can, on melee, try to set up kills before you start pushing waves. I.e.: Get back, get your stuff and set up for a gank. Then go and last hit.
2. Mid game and Farm.
I suggest you to use teleport, it's the most useful for mid game, when taking tower is important and effective. You might want to use your ultimate to initiate fight and kill 1 or 2. Your team should push at that point, you should be teleporting top or bottom to get a tower if you can, otherwise, just run and farm. Keep teleport for when you need to push. If people are still in their lane, mid game it's time for you to gank or to farm. If you're the carry, farm. If you're the initiator/gank, gank and aim for teamfights. Get defensive items like randuin's omen and Force of nature and force them to teamfight baron. Even better case, if they are pushing you I.e. top, you should teleport bottom and finish 1 tower. If your team can't handle it, of course go and help them. Its easy, if you don't carry you need to fight them. Get ready and force them to dragon fight you or baron. If you carry, hold the line and farm it carefully. Also, as I show in my video, if you're sure that their team isn't walking together, you could go and check for an easy gank in their jungle.
3. Late game, Initiate and Carry.
Unless there is no others melee, late game you shouldn't be tanking really. You want to initiate fights with your ultimate, back off a bit, and re fight. If you can make it out, it's again time to go and push tower with teleport. At late game, Xin is very fast. A tower is about a matter of seconds. If you're lucky and can get people alone, don't hesitate to kill them, that's why wards exist. With a pink, you might want to 2 man baron. It's not a problem as Xin. With teleport, you can also defend. If lane is pushed, go farm it, Xin can farm really quick. Make sure to have a few defensive items as well as some dps items depending on what your position in your team is.
Finally, Xin Zhao is an overall good fighter, he can Initiate, farm tank and/or carry a team. If you want to make a huge difference in your team, this is the kind of champion you want to play.
Introduction to the build:
9x Greater mark of Desolation (+15 armor penetration)
9x Greater seal of Resilience (+12.7 armor)
9x Greater glyph of Warding (+13.7 magic resist)
3x Greater Quitessence of Desolation (+10 armor penetration)
Masteries: 8-22-0
3crit 1ap
4attack speed
3magic resit 3 armor
1nimbleness 3damagereduce
1damage reduce
I want to build Xin more like a tank first. Since he cans jump in and uses his ultimate for max damage, he's a good initiator. Most of the time, he's going to eats all the stuns and disables and AOE damage, therefore the need for tank stuff.
Summoner Spells: Ignite & Teleport
Every one can use what ever spells they want, they're all good. It all depends on what use you want to make of. I suggest ignite for kills since most the time you can carry with Xin, I suggest teleport for tower pushing, Xin has a lot of attack speed and can kill a tower rapidly. Ghost or flash are also really good.
start: dagger + health potion
early: berseker's greaves + dagger + x health potions
Core: Berseker's greaves, The black Cleaver
Usefull items: Randiun's Omen, Stark's fervor, guardian angel, banshee's veil, phantom dancer, tiamat, infinity edge.
Skills: e q w e q r q q e q r e e w w r w w
I'm still confused on what's the best, maxing audacious charge or three talon strike. Three talon strike is more damage to a single target, but audacious charge is better for a multi target. It depends on if you need to gank or to farm. Always max your ultimate and keep battle cry at 1 as long as possible because the more bigger boost is at lvl 1.
1. Early game and first blood
2. Mid game and farm
3. Late game, initiate and carry
1. Early game and first blood.
If you aim to get first blood with Xin zhao, you need to pick audacious charge first. Ambush in the brush and when some one get close, hit him once then charge, use ignite, attack him and hope you have a great teammate to kill him. It shouldn't be that hard with armor penetration marks. Note: don't waste all your mana and skills to get firs tblood if you don't have exactly what's required to make it (armor penetration is obviously required). Xin Zhao can solo with ease since he has life regen every 3 hit, some times it is worth the risk to last hit even if your enemy could harras you. Of course, it is better to last hit when your opponent's spells are on cool down. If your solo, make sure to always stop creeps right before your tower. This way, you can creeps in peace and you're still protected. If its dual lane, you're probably going to push it, unless they have 2 ranged. On 2 ranged champions, stand right before tower and last hit as much as you can, on melee, try to set up kills before you start pushing waves. I.e.: Get back, get your stuff and set up for a gank. Then go and last hit.
2. Mid game and Farm.
I suggest you to use teleport, it's the most useful for mid game, when taking tower is important and effective. You might want to use your ultimate to initiate fight and kill 1 or 2. Your team should push at that point, you should be teleporting top or bottom to get a tower if you can, otherwise, just run and farm. Keep teleport for when you need to push. If people are still in their lane, mid game it's time for you to gank or to farm. If you're the carry, farm. If you're the initiator/gank, gank and aim for teamfights. Get defensive items like randuin's omen and Force of nature and force them to teamfight baron. Even better case, if they are pushing you I.e. top, you should teleport bottom and finish 1 tower. If your team can't handle it, of course go and help them. Its easy, if you don't carry you need to fight them. Get ready and force them to dragon fight you or baron. If you carry, hold the line and farm it carefully. Also, as I show in my video, if you're sure that their team isn't walking together, you could go and check for an easy gank in their jungle.
3. Late game, Initiate and Carry.
Unless there is no others melee, late game you shouldn't be tanking really. You want to initiate fights with your ultimate, back off a bit, and re fight. If you can make it out, it's again time to go and push tower with teleport. At late game, Xin is very fast. A tower is about a matter of seconds. If you're lucky and can get people alone, don't hesitate to kill them, that's why wards exist. With a pink, you might want to 2 man baron. It's not a problem as Xin. With teleport, you can also defend. If lane is pushed, go farm it, Xin can farm really quick. Make sure to have a few defensive items as well as some dps items depending on what your position in your team is.
Finally, Xin Zhao is an overall good fighter, he can Initiate, farm tank and/or carry a team. If you want to make a huge difference in your team, this is the kind of champion you want to play.
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