Patch affects champions in league of legend
I thank what can make a difference from playing a great champion from a bad champion is like investing is stocks. Every one is doing the same thing. They buy high because every one has bought at that moment and they sell when it becomes low because they're scared. Same goes at LOL when people pick champions. They see HotshotGG or Chaox or any 2300+ Elo picking a champ and they want to play it, but they don't ask themselves why they do play those champions. They play champions after they get buffed or before they get debuffed. Let me explain, from this week, I saw a lot of broadcaster playing Alistar or Irelia. Those 2 we're buffed not so long ago. Now some of the great realized this and they want to play them, but this week they are reduced with the patch release. After regular people will do tomorrow? They will keep playing those champ they seen pro plays.I think it is important to always be knowledgeably of what changes happen to champions.
This patch:
Vayne: reduced (-)
Alistar : reduced (-)
Irelia : reduced (-)
rumble: small reduction
Annie: buffed (+)
Kog Maw: buffed (+)
Sivir : buffed (+)
Note: Right after a champion is released, he's overpower (op), It's the right time to buy it, usually, when it becomes free or the other week, he becomes weaker, you can buy or use it, but it's less the time. Even, he's still ban on ladder. Same goes for every new champion in league of legend. A guide about Xin'Zhao is on the way !!
I thank what can make a difference from playing a great champion from a bad champion is like investing is stocks. Every one is doing the same thing. They buy high because every one has bought at that moment and they sell when it becomes low because they're scared. Same goes at LOL when people pick champions. They see HotshotGG or Chaox or any 2300+ Elo picking a champ and they want to play it, but they don't ask themselves why they do play those champions. They play champions after they get buffed or before they get debuffed. Let me explain, from this week, I saw a lot of broadcaster playing Alistar or Irelia. Those 2 we're buffed not so long ago. Now some of the great realized this and they want to play them, but this week they are reduced with the patch release. After regular people will do tomorrow? They will keep playing those champ they seen pro plays.I think it is important to always be knowledgeably of what changes happen to champions.
This patch:
Vayne: reduced (-)
Alistar : reduced (-)
Irelia : reduced (-)
rumble: small reduction
Annie: buffed (+)
Kog Maw: buffed (+)
Sivir : buffed (+)
Note: Right after a champion is released, he's overpower (op), It's the right time to buy it, usually, when it becomes free or the other week, he becomes weaker, you can buy or use it, but it's less the time. Even, he's still ban on ladder. Same goes for every new champion in league of legend. A guide about Xin'Zhao is on the way !!
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